Step 1:
Understanding Your "Total Health"
Step 2:
Make the Commitment
and Forms
Your Progress
Step 4:
Physical Checkups | Tools and Forms | Tracking Your Progress
Tracking Your Progress
To help track your progress Holy Healthy UMC provides a one-year Tracking Assessment Form (PDF) that tracks the same general information from My Personal Assessment Form. Once and if you have select a specific program, tracking and assessment tools are provided.
For more information about the specific wellness programs go to the Changes: Physical Health section.
Tracker is an online dietary and physical activity assessment
tool offered by the USDA that provides information on your diet quality,
physical activity status, related nutrition messages, and links to nutrient
and physical activity information. The Food Calories/Energy Balance feature
automatically calculates your energy balance by subtracting the energy you
expend from physical activity from your food calories/energy intake. Use
of this tool helps you better understand your energy balance status and
enhances the link between good nutrition and regular physical activity.
From now on, you can also keep track of your energy balance history and
view it up to one year. MyPyramid Tracker translates the principles of the
2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and other nutrition standards developed
by the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services.
On-line Assessment and Tracking Tool
My has a built in health assessment and tracking tool that you
can use as well if you choose to select to follow that program.
Read More:
Steps to a
Healthier You:
Keep Your Records
We recommend that you use a standard 3- ring binder to keep all your information
together. Be sure to fill out the Personal Assessment Form and place it
in your 3-ring binder so you’ll know right where it is. Include all
of your assessments, diaries and tests, copies of any articles, recipes,
exercise plans, etc. that you find on your journey towards better health!