4 Steps Towards Overall Health

Step 1:
Understanding Your "Total Health"

Step 2:
Make the Commitment

Step 3:
Assessment & Goals

Step 4:

Mental/Emotional Health
Social Health
Spiritual Health
Physical Health


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Spiritual Health: Bible Study

It is said that a person who knows God’s Word is a hard person to deceive. Knowledge of God’s Word gives strength to the weary, peace to the troubled, and understanding to those seeking wisdom. But how can you know God’s Word if you haven’t studied it?

Perhaps in the past, you tried. You began reading at Genesis, and became discouraged somewhere in the middle of the “begats.” You’re not alone. Here are a few resources for more effective Bible study.

John Wesley: How to Read the Scripture
If you desire to read the scripture in such a manner as may most effectually answer this end, would it not be advisable,

  1. To set apart a little time, if you can, every morning and evening for that purpose?
  2. At each time if you have leisure, to read a chapter out of the Old, and one out of the New Testament: if you cannot do this, to take a single chapter, or a part of one?
  3. To read this with a single eye, to know the whole will of God, and a fixt resolution to do it? In order to know his will, you should,
  4. Have a constant eye to the analogy of faith; the connexion and harmony there is between those grand, fundamental doctrines, Original Sin, Justification by Faith, the New Birth, Inward and Outward Holiness.
  5. Serious and earnest prayer should be constantly used, before we consult the oracles of God, seeing “scripture can only be understood thro’ the same Spirit whereby it was given.” Our reading should likewise be closed with prayer, that what we read may be written on our hearts.
  6. It might also be of use, if while we read, we were frequently to pause, and examine ourselves by what we read, both with regard to our hearts, and lives. This would furnish us with matter of praise, where we found God had enabled us to conform to his blessed will, and matter of humiliation and prayer, where we were conscious of having fallen short.

And whatever light you then receive, should be used to the uttermost, and that immediately. Let there be no delay. Whatever you resolve, begin to execute the first moment you can. So shall you find this word to be indeed the power of God unto present and eternal salvation.
John Wesley
Preface to Explanatory Notes upon the Old Testament
EDINBURGH, April 25, 1765.

We Rely on the Bible

We say that the Bible is vital to our faith and life, but what exactly is the Bible? Here are four ways to view it:

A library
The Bible is a collection of sixty-six books, thirty-nine in the Old Testament (or Hebrew Bible) and twenty-seven in the New Testament. These books were written over a one-thousand-year period in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic (the language Jesus spoke), and Greek.

The books are of different lengths and different literary styles. In the Hebrew Bible we find legends, histories, liturgies for community worship, songs, proverbs, sermons, even a poetic drama (Job). In the New Testament are Gospels, a history, many letters, and an apocalypse (Revelation). Yet through it all the Bible is the story of the one God, who stands in a covenant relationship with the people of God.

Sacred Scripture
In early times and over many generations, the sixty-six books were thoughtfully used by faithful people. In the process their merits were weighed, and the community of believers finally gave them special authority. Tested by faith, proven by experience, these books have become sacred; they’ve become our rule for faith and practice.

In Israel the Book of Deuteronomy was adopted as the Word of God about 621 B.C. The Torah, or Law (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible), assumed authority around 400 B.C.; the Prophets about 200 B.C.; and the Writings about 100 B.C. After a struggle the Christians determined that the Hebrew Bible was Scripture for them as well. The New Testament as we know it was formed and adopted by church councils between A.D. 200 and A.D. 400.

God’s Word
We say that God speaks to us through the Bible, that it’s God’s Word. This authority derives from three sources:

The Bible’s authority is, therefore, nothing magical. For example, we do not open the text at random to discover God’s will. The authority of Scripture derives from the movement of God’s Spirit in times past and in our reading of it today.

A Guide to Faith and Life
We United Methodists put the Bible to work. In congregational worship we read from the Bible. Through preaching, we interpret its message for our lives. It forms the background of most of our hymns and liturgy. It’s the foundation of our church school curriculum. Many of us use it in our individual devotional lives, praying through its implications day by day. However, we admit that there’s still vast “biblical illiteracy” in our denomination. We need to help one another open the Bible and use it.

Perhaps the Bible is best put to use when we seriously answer these four questions about a given text:

  1. What did this passage mean to its original hearers?
  2. What part does it play in the Bible’s total witness?
  3. What does God seem to be saying to my life, my community, my world, through this passage?
  4. What changes should I consider making as a result of my study?

United Methodist Member’s Handbook, Revised by George Koehler
(Discipleship Resources, 2006), pp. 80-81.

Read More:
Upper Room Daily Reflections
Search the Bible:
Why Study the Bible?


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