Assess the Website

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Assess the Programs

The goal of the Conference is to equip individuals to make significant health and wellness lifestyle changes, and to equip local churches in building effective health and wellness ministries. This website is an effort to compile any available information and tools to assist Arkansas Methodists achieve these goals.

We want to know how helpful and effective this resource is to you. The information you submit is anonymous, and will help give us direction in growing this program into a more effective one.

Please complete any of the sections/questions that pertain to you, and click SUBMIT:

Please complete all areas that pertain to you:


Overall, how helpful did you find the information contained in this website?

Very helpful Somewhat helpful Not helpful at all

Did you complete the Vision section of the website?

Yes No

Did the Vision section of the website help you understand more about the new 7th Strategic Initiative of the conference?

Very much so A little Not at all

Did you complete the Who Are You section of the website?

Yes No

In the Who Are You section, the information was divided into 3 separate sections, based on the needs of reader. Was that division clear to you when you first visited that page?

Yes, I understood completely No, I was not sure where to go

If you entered either Congregation, Clergy/Family/Staff or Individual from the Who Are You section, did you find the information and resources of value to you?

Yes, very valuable Somewhat valuable Not valuable at all

Did you learn of any programs or resources in this section that you may use, that you did not already know about (or have contact information for)?

Yes No

Did you complete the Healthy Changes section of the website?

Yes No

In the Healthy Changes section, did you find the commitment, assessment and goal setting information helpful?

Yes, very helpful Somewhat helpful Not helpful at all

Did you complete a personal commitment form?

Yes No

Did you complete your assessment and goal setting with the help of a physician or other health professional?

Yes No

If you answered "No" to the above question, did you use any online tools/resources to assist you in your health assessment?

Yes No

Did you utilize all 4 sections of the Action Tool Resource Center?

Yes No

If no, which sections did you use?

Mental/Emotional Social Spiritual Physical

On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the least helpful and 10 being the most helpful, please rate the sections that you did use:

Mental/Emotional Social Spiritual Physical

Are there any tools/resources that you found in the Healthy Changes section you continue to use, or plan on using in the future?

Yes No

Have any of your health/wellness issues improved with the use of the resources in this site?

Yes No

Additional comments/suggestions:


Did the information contained in this website help you to understand more about the impact of the 7th Strategic Initiative on your ministry and your church?

Yes, it was very helpful I already understood it completely

No, I need more information

Did you find information on health/wellness resources available to you as clergy/staff and/or conference insurance participants that you were not previously aware of?

Yes No

If eligible, have you ever used Cardium?

Yes No

If eligible, have you ever used CareWise?

Yes No

Have you ever used Resources for Living ?

Yes No

Additional comments/suggestions:


Did the information contained in this website help you to understand more about the impact of the 7th Strategic Initiative on your church and its ministry?

Yes No

Did your church have a Health/Wellness Committee or Task Force before you visited our site?

Yes No

If no, did your church form one as a result of this resource?

Yes No

If yes, have your Healthy/Wellness programs increased and/or improved as a result of this resource (or are being planned)?

Yes No

Did you find any of the resources for assessing your congregation's needs and/or building model programs helpful?

Yes No

If your pastor has participated in HolyHealthyUMC, has your congregation provided support for him/her in their efforts?

Yes No

If so, what kind of support did you offer?

How have you promoted (or do you plan to promote) HolyHealthyUMC in your local church?

If you would like more information about Holy Healthy UMC, submit your email address we can contact you at:

Additional comments/suggestions:




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