Step 1:
Step 2:
What the Initiative Means to You
Step 3:
Your Health/Wellness
One of the most important health concerns today is health insurance coverage, and additional health programs and resources that you can utilize when needed. As a clergy, clergy family member or staff member, you may or may not be covered by the Arkansas Conference insurance program. If you are, there are additional health resources you have access to. If not, your church (district/conference/institution) may cover you under a different insurance plan.
There are those who currently have no health insurance coverage, however, but there are still resources available to you and your family, as well as for those who do participate in the conference insurance program. We offer brief descriptions of these resources below. For complete information about these programs, please contact them with the information provided.
Please note: We are attempting to collect information about local and regional resources that may be available to you, and will be adding to these lists as that information becomes available.
Resources for Clergy, UM Church Leaders, Staff and Family Members
Whether you're covered under the conference insurance plan or not, all UM Church leaders, staff and family members of the above can use the following resource:
For Living®, Ltd. (RFL) is a behavioral wellness organization that delivers
measurable improvements in individual and organizational health, productivity
and related costs. Their areas of service include:
clergy and their legal dependents are eligible for a 25% discount at Methodist
Conference Insurance Program Participants
If you are a participant in the Arkansas Conference Insurance
program, you may not be aware that you are also eligible for two additional
health resources:
best-in-class disease management, health improvement & wellness. Healthy
Solutions from Cardium Health for self-insured employers, unions and labor
groups, and plan sponsors.
Our core focus is to help customers reduce overall healthcare-related employee benefits costs, improve productivity and promote healthier, happier workplace environments. Our programs and services reach across the span of the healthcare continuum from wellness to risk reduction to chronic disease management. We provide health advocacy counseling, education, and support for individuals with diagnosed chronic disease. We also offer prevention programs to encourage workplace wellness.
Ph: 860.677.8900
Have you ever needed to talk to your doctor after office hours? Has a sick child ever awakened you in the middle of the night, when there was no one there to help?
Good news! CareWise can help with these and countless other medical concerns. CarewWise is a unique health information service that features a registered nurse phoneline.
Take the guesswork out of making health care decisions. CareWise will help you discover how easy it is to get a handle on health care.
Call a CareWise Nurse
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Local/Regional Support Resources
Do you ...
* desire a place to restore your spirit?
* long for a closeness to your God?
* find God in nature?
* yearn for silence and solitude?
The Hermitage Spiritual Retreat Center at Lake Pomme de Terre in Pittsburg, Missouri provides Christian hospitality, inviting reverence for God, all people, and the natural environment. Persons of all faith traditions and others sincerely seeking God are welcome.
Our Mission is to provide, on a short-term basis, sacred time, space and resources for silence, prayer, solitude, restoration and renewal.
There is no charge for the use of a hermitage. This ministry depends on tax-deductible donations. Visit their website for more information, or call them at 816.363.3968.
Our goal is to provide a comprehensive list of health and wellness programs and resources available in local communities, categorized by areas of the state. If you know of resources to add to our list, click HERE to submit!
You're now ready to enter Healthy Changes!