Step 1:
What the Initiative Means to You
Step 3:
Individual/Clergy Health
Step 4:
Congregational Health
ANALYSIS: How Healthy Is Your Congregation?
The General Board of Global Ministries offers the following thoughts:
"Within all congregations are people longing for mutual caring and support. When we stand by each other in bad times and good, health is promoted. When we create a safe place to tell each other our stories of pain and brokenness, we become healing communities.
In promoting health, education is not enough. People
must also be given motivation to practice what is learned. This requires
individual transformation, which is a role of the church. People need to
be empowered to assume responsibility for their own health. The real healer
is the healer within--God, who created our bodies."
The first task of the local Health and Wellness Committee is to assess the overall health of their own congregations, both the body of members and the individuals that make it up. Take advantage of the resources offered in this section that can help you with congregational health assessments.
There are numerous programs and resources available to the local church that are designed to assist you with assessing your congregational health needs, and how to begin to address them.
Board of Global Ministires
The General Board of Global Ministries has many congregational resources on its website including:
For more information on these resources, CLICK HERE>
Congregations In Action
Healthy Congregations in Action aims to work within and through local United Methodist churches to promote healthy lifestyle choices regarding nutrition and physical activity. It is a project of the Kansas Area Healthy Lifestyles Advisory Committee. For more information, CLICK HERE>
Congregational RX For Health
The “Congregational Prescription for Health” is an excellent assessment tool to use as your church begins a health ministry. The resource was developed by the Church Health Center in Memphis. The Center is renowned as a leader in developing ministries combining faith and health. The tool is a workbook with 8 sections, which provide all the resources you would need to begin an excellent health ministry. There are also numerous ideas for local churches to use and there are a variety of surveys and assessment tools to be used by the congregation as well as by individual church members.
To receive a free copy of this useful resource contact Libby Gray in the Arkansas Conference office at or call her at 877-646-1816 or 501-324-8000.
If your church already has an established Health and Wellness ministry, you know the excitement and enthusiasm it can create. Perhaps it's time to take your ministry to the next level. Model an existing program or create one of your own:
Nurse Program
Parish nursing combines professional nursing, health, and ministry within a faith community. The parish nurse integrates faith and health by providing whole-person health promotion and disease prevention with a spiritual emphasis. Recognized as a specialty practice, parish nursing has five major areas of emphasis: advocacy, health counseling, education, screening, and organizing volunteers. A good source for information about parish nursing can be found in the book entitled The Essential Parish Nurse: ABCs for Congregational Health Ministries by Deborah Patterson.
More information about parish nursing can also be found at the website for Deaconess Parish Nurse Ministries at the International Parish Nurse Resource Center:
Deaconess Parish Nurse Ministries is a St. Louis-based parish nurse program that provides support for the International Parish Nurse Resource Center.
Have a Model to share?
If your church has a Model for Action in place that you would like to share with the conference, let us know! Your innovative ideas and programs may create inspiration to another congregation as they grow Holy Healthy.
You're now ready to enter Healthy Changes!
Click above to access valuable information from Global Ministries on starting
a Health Ministry in your local church.
Click above to learn more about parish nursing, chaplaincy programs, collaborating
with health-care providers, and exploring significant connections between
faith and personal well-being.
CLICK HERE to add health and wellness resources available in your local area!